Thursday, 10 June 2010

Forty Eight Ours is finally here!!!!

Yesturday was the first day and private view of my first London exhibition, along with my friends in the second year UCA Illustration course, at Studio Fold. It looked amazing and I think we've all done really well setting up the show :) The turn out for the private view was brilliant and I'm so pleased it was a success :D It was a long and rocky road to get there but we did it :) Well done everyone involved!

The photographs above are taken from when I was curating at the gallery yesturday afternoon- starring my Dad who made my day by coming to see it when I didn't think he would be able to :) Thank you Dad!!!! The second picture is my piece for the exhibition, my little school book.

1 comment:

  1. I may be biased, but I thought the show was excellent - it was obvious you had all put a lot of effort into both the work you were displaying, and the organisation of the event.

    here's to Year 3!
